Dear parents,
This letter is to inform you of some supplies that are common to third-grade classrooms.
Some of the supplies they may still be able to use from last year, like their pencil box. In addition, please LABEL all items with the student's name and/or initials to avoid confusion. You will receive a more specific list from your child's teacher in August. If you are not able to get these supplies, we will make sure your child has what they need.
2 pocket folders
2 packages of #2 pencils - USA made, please, they tend to work better
1pair of scissors
a small package of pencil top erasers or two bigger rectangle-type ones
1 box of crayons, 16 or 24 (Not enough room in desk for 64)
1 highlighter, any color
2 whiteboard (dry erase) markers, any dark color like green, red, blue, etc.
sturdy container (like a pencil box) that will hold the supplies
2 glue sticks
If you would like to, you may donate:
a box of sandwich, quart or gallon size ziplock-style freezer bags.
a box of tissues. We go through a lot!
Some items we do NOT want the students to bring include:
Trapper Keeper/3-ring binders,
White glue
Please help your child get off to a good start in third grade by setting aside time each day for reading and by practicing math facts frequently. Students at the end of second grade were expected to have memorized their addition facts up to 9+9 and subtraction facts from 18-9 down. We will be starting off the school year with multiplication facts that were introduced in 2nd grade.