Here you will find important information and forms from our district health offices. Be sure that your contact information on file is kept current, so we are able to reach you in case of emergency or illness while your child is at school.
It can be hard to know when to send children to school if they tell you that they do not feel well. Usually, the best place for them is in school, but there are some times when keeping them home to rest or call for an appointment with your health care provider is recommended.
Please keep your child home and/or contact your child’s doctor for:
- Fever greater than 100.4° (taken by mouth)
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
- A persistent cough that makes a child feel uncomfortable or disrupts the class
- Severe sore throat along with fever and feeling ill for more than 48 hours, or after exposure to Strep throat infection
- Honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth or rash on other body parts
- Large amounts of mucous (liquid) from their nose, with facial pain or headache
- Severe ear pain or fluid coming from the ear
- Severe headache, especially with fever
- Loss of taste or smell
Keep children home for 24 hours after the fever ends, once they have been free of vomiting/or diarrhea for 24 hours, or they have completed 24 hours of medication if prescribed by your health care provider.
Please refer to the latest guidance from NYSDOH regarding return to school after an illness, found on the district COVID-19 information page.
If you find your child is frequently asking to stay home from school, if they are falling behind or appear anxious about school, or if there does not appear to be any physical symptoms, contact your school nurse and your health care provider to discuss your concerns.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact your building nurse with any questions or concerns relating to your child’s health or health-related issues.