We believe that we will accomplish our mission and realize our vision if we consistently
focus on and embody our core beliefs:
Student-focused: Prioritizing the needs, interests, and well-being of students in all aspects of education, curriculum, and support services.
Perseverance: The steadfast pursuit of goals or objectives despite obstacles or difficulties encountered along the way.
Integrity: Consistency between one's actions, words, and values, characterized by honesty, fairness, and moral uprightness.
Collaborative: Involving the cooperative efforts of individuals or groups working together toward a common purpose or goal.
Character: The moral and ethical qualities that define an individual's identity, guiding their behavior and interactions with others.
Respect: Showing consideration, esteem, and appreciation for oneself and others, acknowledging the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.
Responsibility: Accountability and conscientiousness in fulfilling obligations, duties, or commitments with diligence and integrity.
Citizenship: Active participation and engagement in civic duties, responsibilities, and activities within one's community or society.