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Voice Recognition



Superintendent:Timothy Calice
[email protected] 
School Business Administrator:Ji Katchuk
[email protected] 
Executive PrincipalTodd Schaffer
[email protected] 

Director of Data and Instructional Progress (Director of curriculum, data and technology)

Valerie Murtha

Athletic Director:Scott Wandell
[email protected] 
District Clerk:Tina Engelhard
[email protected] 
District Secretary:Tina Engelhard
[email protected] 

Supervisor of Transportation

Randy Zukowski

Director of Buildings and GroundsGary Hoskins
[email protected] 
Benefits CoordinatorTracy Keener
[email protected] 
HS Principal:Edward Mertson
[email protected] 
HS Dean of Students:Scott Wandell
[email protected] 
HS SecretariesJe Je Fitzgerald [email protected]
& Christine Rhodes
[email protected]   
Middle School Principal:Gregory Asfoury
[email protected] 
Middle School Secretary:Jeanne Laskowski
[email protected] 
Elementary School Principal:January Pratt
[email protected] 
Elementary School Secretaries:Andrea Raymond [email protected] 
& Crystal Malarkey
[email protected] 
Director of Special Education:Jami Fabrizio
[email protected] 
Secretary for Special Education:Amber Phillips
[email protected]