Voice Recognition

Newark Valley Central Schools News Article

Berghorn Twins at Top of Class of 2023

The Newark Valley Central School District’s Valedictorian and Salutatorian announcement is extra special this year! Twin sisters Karli Berghorn and Katie Berghorn are the Class of 2023’s top two academic achievers, with Karli as Valedictorian and Katie and Salutatorian. There are a total of 95 students in this year’s graduating class.
Karli, who is senior class president and participated in field hockey, National Honor Society, Student Council, and the New Visions Health Academy, will study nursing at St. John Fisher University.
Katie played field hockey, basketball, softball, and participated in jazz ensemble, symphonic band, Cardinal Chords, chorale, and National Honor Society. She will study math and continue playing field hockey at Houghton University.
We are so proud of these two promising young ladies. Congratulations to the Berghorn family on this amazing achievement!
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