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Newark Valley Central Schools News Article

School Tax Collection Change for NV

Effective July 1, 2019, the district has subscribed to Tax Collection services at Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga (TST) BOCES.  
All 2019-20 school tax bills will be mailed directly to taxpayers’ mailing address on file with county real property offices. Taxpayers who have an escrow account with a mortgage company or bank will receive their tax bills for information purpose only. Mortgage companies and banks will receive tax information directly from tax collector.  No actions need to be taken by taxpayers who have escrow accounts.
Taxpayers who own multiple properties in the district will receive a tax bill for each property separately since bills are no longer sorted manually by mailing address.
In-person or mail-in payments are no longer accepted at district office. Taxpayers should follow instructions on the tax bills for payment information.  All school tax-related questions should be directed to Tax Collector at:
Julie Kephart, Tax Collector
Phone: (607)257-1555x1042
E-mail: [email protected]

Cash payment can be made in person at NBT Bank Newark Valley Branch located at 2 North Main Street, Newark Valley, Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. the tax bill must be present at time of payment.  No other forms of payment are accepted at NBT Bank.   
Receipts will be mailed to taxpayers within a month after payment is received.  However, a taxpayer can view updated payment status on http://taxlookup.net once payment is posted to the taxpayer’s account.
Tax bills and receipts since 16-17 school year can be found online at http://taxlookup.net  2019-20 school tax bills will be available online on Sept. 1, 2019.    
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